What are my true Friendship Skills?
We have a recent friend (Brian) who seems to have such natural friendship skills...easy, timely, showing friendly commitment with humor & a kind of grace. It got me thinking about the many years I've spent in business and mostly about production & cash flow. Yet all this shut down my friendship skills....and so I would often lead with a sort of urgency. Not staying in deeper touch---and actually sending the message that once our real estate deal was done---so were we.
So what are the friendship skills that invite friends to stay close---but also fill us with joy & satisfaction? to be sure, this is a fulfilling and worthy study!
Each Thursday we are reminded to keep our Caring Connections strong & growing. From our pets at home to our favorite barista at the coffee bar...from our Doctor to our physical therapist---a rewarding reach of caring can come from so many places---when we let down our guard & release our "body armor".
Over my many years working with men of every age---and with hundreds of our real estate clients---we see that certain situations trigger our careful impulse to guard our selves & our treasure. Buying a home, purchasing something expensive---perhaps worry about politics or changes in our financial future---all of these have "thorns" which may caution us to cut out small talk or to miss the authentic caring others may send our way. Yes, let's all show trust in the good, but tie your camel. And haven't we all met people who remain closed to caring connections---and whilecaution is smart in our clever world of deception & digital crime, let's explore how to stay open with balance and wisdom.